Our 3-Step Elite Dealmaking Formula
Laser Target & Identify Lucrative OpportunitiesIt is a cold hard fact that some 90% of businesses at auctions never end up closing, so how do you identify highly profitable and new opportunities whose owners are actually looking to do a deal (or find business that are ready and don't know it yet)? Our Managing Partner, Nigel Lo will walk you through the step by step process no other lawyer, financier or accountant will want you to know!
Strategic Outreach to
Leverage, Negotiate & Acquire With Absolutely No Money DownThe vast majority of the population assumes that one must have to have a ton of money in order to acquire a profitable business with strong cash flows on their balance sheet, but that simply isn't the case. There are over 8 strategies to value stack a deal, which require little to absolutely ZERO cash coming Out Of Your Own Pocket!
Here is a sliver of what you will get in our flagship program:
✔ Discover How to Find, Identify and Conduct Solid Due Diligence on a Seemingly Profitable Business BEFORE Signing a Sale & Purchase Agreement with the Business Owner. ✔ How to Approach the Right People, Get Pass Pesky Gatekeepers and Put A Deal That Mutually Benefits Both You and the Seller! ✔ Discover 8 Proven & Time Tested Strategies to Acquire Any Profitable Business With No-Money Down! ✔ How to Set Up Special Purpose Vehicles, Instantly Restructure Your Assets for Maximum Control and Reduce Your Risk Exposure. All this done using our step-by-step copy and paste blueprint that can be customised to any business, be it an online business or your typical brick and mortar local business. WARNING: This is not for everybody... this is only for people serious about setting up their business and their finances for long term success and are willing to invest in themselves or their business. So if you are ready to quit the rat race, take action, and win - I want to invite you to join us in our flagship program, Operation Leverage. We are so excited to share these dealmaking strategies with you…because we know the power and potential it has for you as well as the impact it can have on struggling and exhausted business owners, their workers and the economy. Imagine where you would be, when our team breaks down our 30 years of experience in just 5 modules. We will have you ready to make your first (or next) acquisition in less than 30 days (if you do your homework of course!) This could be your A-HA moment! What would it be worth to you if we showed you all that? If you had to put a monetary value on it, what would it be? $10,000? $1,000? $500? $200? What about an unbeatable offer of just $49? Would that be a fair price? That means, for the price of a family dinner of 4, you get our entire war chest of legal agreements (value: $5,000), instruments, coaching and so much more... it cannot get any better than this! So Why Do We Want To Give You All Of These Strategies & Scripts For Just $49 Today? Because we’re at the point where money alone doesn’t motivate us. Our firm has made a collective decision to reward people who are interested in long-term growth. Lifting up people who looking for their first big break. They are hungry, hardworking and wanting help others. But they just feel stuck. Our business is built off of helping people in the long-term. So we want you to stick around as long as possible... and gain so much value from us... That you’ll use your earnings to invest in our higher end programs and coaching. But we realise that the first step of getting your foot in the door and trusting our system is the hardest part. When you click the button above, you’ll be taken to a 100% secure and encrypted checkout page. You’ll fill out a simple order form. Your order will be processed right away, and you’ll have access to all the strategies and documents we’ve discussed with you today in a few short minutes. Get Your Complete Operation Leverage Training Today Risk Free, Delivered Digitally and Accessible Across all Devices. Click the Black Button Below and Start Changing Lives Starting with Yours!
GLP Lawyers International Pty Ltd (ABN 65640093269) is an Australian incorporated legal practice for the purposes of the Corporations Act 2001 and pursuant to the Legal Professions Act in Western Australia. GLP Lawyers International Pty Ltd is not a partnership. The title of 'partner' describes senior lawyers and non-legal service professionals entitled to revenue sharing and equity within the incorporated legal practice. It is not intended to imply the existence of a partnership within the definition of the Partnership Act 1895 (WA)